Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Another bit of learning: forget something?

So, yesterday it was "lost something?" and today, in the totally different setting of the Kavana Seattle sukkah, what grabbed me was "forgot something." We were reading a Yehuda Amichai poem within a context of how we view the Torah, you know, with Simchat Torah coming up and all.

To paraphrase the poem (which I can't seem to find on google), it says that G-d left the world and forgot the Torah "down here." As Jews, we call out to G-d to tell G-d of G-d's forgetfulness...others call this "prayer." We call "you forgot something!" and we chose to ignore that in that which was forgoten (i.e. the Torah) we fail to look for the hints of where to actually find G-d.

This line where Yehuda says we tell G-d "you forgot something," struck my interest, as I don't necessarily think that G-d forgot the Torah down here...I think G-d may have forgotten us down here!

If anyone can find this poem and post it, I would be grateful. What are you thinking about this week?

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